전주를 다녀왔습니다.
I visited in Jeonju.
Jeonju is the famous city about food and traditional Korean style town in S.Korea.
Traditional town feels like a theme park. Not there own town. Just tourism place.
You can scrap these pictures, but do not edit them.
사진 퍼가시는 건 자유지만, 수정하진 말아주세요.
A broken water mill
죽녹원에서 자라던 덩굴입니다.
Here is bamboo forest.
An ivy climbed up a big bamboo.
한옥마을의 야경들입니다.
Finally, these pictures are traditional Korean style town at night.
A side street is connect to somewhere.
Below pictures are the objects in Cafe.
굉장히 맛있었던 초콜릿 케이크.
이것 때문에라도 여길 다시 가야 할 것 같아요.
This cake is very nice! Really good.
The accessory of a lamp cap.