
Jeonju in S.Korea / 전주

전주를 다녀왔습니다.

I visited in Jeonju.
Jeonju is the famous city about food and traditional Korean style town in S.Korea.
Traditional town feels like a theme park. Not there own town. Just tourism place.

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사진 퍼가시는 건 자유지만, 수정하진 말아주세요.

양 옆의 가로수가 인상적인 전주의 길

Here is just road in Jeonju. 
Beautiful roadside trees are very impressive.

A broken water mill

죽녹원에서 자라던 덩굴입니다.

Here is bamboo forest.
An ivy climbed up a big bamboo.

한옥마을의 야경들입니다.

Finally, these pictures are traditional Korean style town at night.

A side street is connect to somewhere.


Below pictures are the objects in Cafe.

굉장히 맛있었던 초콜릿 케이크.
이것 때문에라도 여길 다시 가야 할 것 같아요.

This cake is very nice! Really good.

 The accessory of a lamp cap.


Wolhwawon in S.Korea / 월화원

I Visited in Wolhwawon.
월화원을 다녀왔습니다.

This place is part of the Hyowon park. It is made traditional China structure style.
효원공원 옆에 붙어있는데, 중국양식으로 만들어져있어요.

I couldn't picture a lot of photo. But, please enjoy them.

You can scrap these pictures, but do not edit them.
사진 퍼가시는 건 자유지만, 수정하진 말아주세요.


Others / 기타 00

These are pictured past. I didn't remember there locations. It just piece of memory.
전에 찍은 사진들이고, 정확히 어딘진 모르겠어요.

You can scrap these pictures, but do not edit them.
사진 퍼가시는 건 자유지만, 수정하진 말아주세요.

This is street lamp of Myeong-dong Church.
이건 명동성당의 가로등입니다.

Here is Cheong-pung.
여긴 청풍입니다.

A dice of cafe.

A cat in Cat cafe. there is a little dark.
so I controlled shutter speed. but that is too low, a cat is little blur.
고양이카페에 고양이인데, 어두워서 셔터스피드를 느리게 했더니 좀 흔들렸습니다.


Nami Island in S.Korea / 남이섬

Nami Island is a tourist attraction in S.Korea.
Generally, This place is used to drama location.

남이섬에 다녀왔습니다.

You can scrap these pictures, but do not edit them.
사진 퍼가시는 건 자유지만, 수정하진 말아주세요.


DDP in S.korea. / 동대문 DDP

These are pictured at Art toy culture 2014 in DDP(Dongdaemun Design Plaza).

DDP, 아트 토이 컬처 2014에서 촬영한 사진입니다.

You can scrap these pictures, but do not edit them.
사진 퍼가시는 건 자유지만, 수정하진 말아주세요.

Notice for visitors

This blog is Rohein's picture storage.
You can re-blog or scrap on your blogs.

But do not edit my pictures.

Thank you for coming in here. Enjoy.

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공유하시거나 퍼가는 것은 자유롭지만, 사진 수정은 하지 말아주셨으면 해요.
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